Fees and Information
For the safety of our students, unless given prior authorization, all fields and facilities are closed during school hours and during all afterschool activities. Any groups or teams must have prior authorization to use fields and grounds at any time. Shirts and proper attire must be worn at all times.
The District welcomes the use of its buildings and grounds by our community members as outlined in the Board of Education Public Use of School Facilities Policy.
In the event that any district facility is closed either during the day or on the weekend due to inclement weather or an emergency situation, all after school and evening activities and meetings are canceled.
Questions relating to the use of school athletic field(s) or gymnasium facilities should be directed to Adam Lodewick, Athletic Director at (914) 241-6167 (alodewick4708@bcsdny.org). All other questions regarding other facilities use can be directed to Lisa Cocomello, Secretary to School Administrator at (914) 241-6177 (lcocomello1291@bcsdny.org). Thank you.